Friday, August 6, 2010

Honda silverwing, GL500 guide

hello and welcome to my guide for the honda silverwing GL500 motorcycle.

The good points!

For a Honda, they are cheap, you can pick up a good example for less than 1000

The engine, a 500cc V twin, has a surprising amount of torgue, it won't accelerate viciously, but the acceleration is constant, even loaded with cargo!

Fuel economy is around 50 miles to the gallon, which makes it a cheap to run tourer!

It's extremly big, but doesn't feel like it weighs much, must be the air suspension!

Insurance is pretty good too, being a classic!

Comfortable ride, the position is armsoutstrectched, but not strainious!

Excellent wind protection, you can ride with no armour on, at speed, and not get cold, and it keeps the rain off your body!

There is a slot of a car stereo, speakers,there's a cigarette lighter port too.

There are four mirrors, two standard and two lower orb mirrors, which work nicely!

The pillion ride, according to my friend, is excellent!

Thenot good points!

Servicing can be expensive, mine cost nearly 400 to service, but then again, it had been sitting in someone's garage for three years, a regular serviceshould be cheaper.

The brakes, even by the standards of the day, are rubbish, invest in decent pads like I did, they do make some difference!

You cannot gain entry into the goldwing club, I know this because I tried!

It's hard work getting it off the centre stand!

The handling feels vague, and it doesn't likeany heavy handed handling, but I have been told that they handle better than goldwings!

Spare parts, most usually come from USA or Canada, so postage will not be cheap, that's if you can find the parts you need!

The camchain, mechanically, is in an awful location, you have to dismantle the entire engine toget toit, so if the one your after needs a new camchain, unless your a patient mechanic, walk away!

When you put full beam lights on, the dash lights switchoff, weather that's a wiring fault or Honda's intent, Ihonestly don't know!

The front screen, can feel weird to look though, if your not use to screens!

On the whole, despite it flaws, this bike is an excellent budget tourer, the reliability of a Honda, good on fuel when fully ladened, you can keep up with modern bikes, it makes a good meaty noise, most usually come with an interesting history, not the mechanical type, some have critisied it for not being powerful enough, but I had no problems, and for a bike that usually 23 to 26 years old, that's good going, recommeneded for the tourer on a budget!

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