Friday, July 23, 2010

XBOX System faulty or damaged. Contact us we can help

Ok if your XBOX system is faulty or damaged or maybe it needs the drive upgrading just contact us we will do our best to help.

First please do the following.

Step 1 : If you have trouble playing discs then use a DVD lense cleaner once completed try all media discs DVD/CDs

Step 2 : Use a vacum cleaner hose and clean all the vents mainly the back

Step 3 : Write down the error code at the top left if any, usually displayed when switching on xbox - see below:-

0 - any - No error (duh)1 - bootldr - Unknown exactly, something to do with checking the motherboard

2 - bootldr - Eeprom check failed

3 - bootldr - ??/not used

4 - bootldr - Ram check failed

5 - kernel - HDD not locked (retail bioses require the hd to be locked)

6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD

7 - kernel - HDD timeout

8 - kernel - No HDD found

9 - kernel - HDD parameters (PIO/DMA/or size {debug}, certain size minimum is required for debug)

10 - kernel - DVD timeout

11 - kernel - No DVD Founnd

12 - kernel - DVD parameters (PIO/DMA)

13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed.

14 - dashboard - Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error)

15 - - ??/not used

16 - dashboard - Other files to do with dashboard / dashboard settings (specific dashboard error)

17 - - ??/not used

18 - - ??/not used

19 - - ??/not used

20 - kernel - The dashboard was attempted to load and failed; It was a cold boot, and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed, but it (for some reason) needed to be noted that the dvd passed the challenge/response authentication

21 - anywhere - This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means its been rebooted by the flag

In closing:

21 was the highest number I could find, I dont think anynthing is past that. And for the unknown ones, I couldn't find anyreference to them at all, I don't believe they are used

If all else fails contact us and we will provide free techincal support by messenger usually online till 12 midnight 7 days a week

Hope this helps



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